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Event Production Show 2024


When to Swipe Right on a Potential Employer

29 Feb 2024
The Future Stage
The Future Stage

Shifting the spotlight onto what employers can and should do to captivate job seekers. This session diverges from the traditional recruitment lens, highlighting the green flags that signal a promising and supportive workplace. We will uncover the markers that indicate an employer's commitment to creating a positive work environment, fostering engagement, and prioritizing employee well-being. Join us to discover the key attributes that make an employer stand out and earn that 'swipe right' from prospective talent.

Priya Narain, Purpose and Impact Manager - KERB
Robert Kenward, Fitability® recruiter - YOU search & select
Sian Morse, Sales & Marketing Manager - Live Nation


Have a look at EPSx360 - the 2024 3d floorplan!